Bjorli Weather says yes!
Many people dream of a white Christmas but in Bjorli a white Christmas is 100% certain every year... if your criterion of a white Christmas is snow on the ground. The holy grail is of course for snow to be falling from the sky and again, Bjorli sees this more often than not.
Will it snow on Christmas Day?
Short answer: Yes.
Will it be heavy snowfall?
70-30 against heavy snowfall. At present, it looks as though there will be a slack W or NW'ly airflow over southern Norway and this will bring frequent snow showers across the region.

Will it snow on Boxing Day?
Bjorli Weather says yes. There is enough support within the model output to suggest that the NW wind may become more enhanced on Boxing Day and so the risk of more significant snow increases.
The theme through the remainder of the festive week is rather mixed with both dry spells and episodes of snow. Further snow is likely on Wednesday before becoming dry on Thursday. Some light snow flurries are then likely to end the week but this is a long way off and so confidence is rather low. Regarding temperatures, confidence is very high that it will remain well below freezing - as it has done through much of November and December thus far. Temperatures next week will likely be between -4°c and -10°c during snowfalls but will fall to between -18°c and -25°c under any clearer breaks.
Whatever the weather, Bjorli Weather would like to wish all our readers a very merry Christmas. I'll be back next week with my latest take on the weather models and to bring you the forecast for New Year's Day.
God jul alle sammen!